Sunday, January 25, 2009

RE: Security Threat from Mexico Greater Than Iraq, Afghanistan

In the above linked article Gingrich observing the narco violence in Mexico, said that this violence was a more important security risk than the Taliban in Afghanistan. It is nice to see Gingrich is finally aware of a problem decades in the making. However, he can't possibly believe that drug cartels in Mexico are more important than terrorist and drug cartels in Afghanistan that could destabilize Pakistan's feeble government leading to a nuclear holocaust that could leave tens of millions of people dead and create a refugee crisis that could destabilize China leading to who knows what, but it wouldn't be good.

The reality is that drug cartels exist solely because of the war on drugs which has provided exactly no benefits to the United States. Instead drugs have become cheaper, more potent and more available.

As a tea totaler I implore you, who will have the courage to end this madness. If we legalized drugs tomorrow we would instantly achieve immeasurable gains around the world especially in Columbia, Bolivia, Mexico and Afghanistan.

The money we saved on our futile interdiction methods could be spent on early childhood education, which actually works to reduce drug use. And, legalized but regulated narcotics market would reduce but unfortunately not prevent childhood access to narcotics. Any seller of drugs who sold to children would lose their license to sell. Any user who transferred narcotics to children would lose their license to buy and would be forced to pay much higher prices on a reduced black market.

If Gingrich would be man enough to take a such a stand he would really prove that Republicans are fearless enough to do whats right even if it is unpopular.

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